Vintage Miniature Model Scenics
Vintage Miniature Model Scenics
18 Worsley Park
Cardinal Gardens
Diorama Fittings and Scenics for modellers
07946 499237
Vintage Transport Models
VT Models Range
These items are my own Road Vehicle Range
Owing to the BT Models N Gauge range now being withdrawn and marked as while stocks last with their UK importer, I only have a limited range in stock or available. I am therefore working on a range of 3D printed Cars and Commercials and recommend that you use the contact form below for details of the vehicles I am planning
Vintage Miniature Model Scenics
17 Wycombe Street
Co. Durham
07946 499237
The Vintage Roadscene.
The Vintage Roadscene is my own range of 3D Printed vehicles produced in conjunction with Nigel Coward of Replitek I also have permission from the owners of both Bus and Truck Models (BT Models) and Oxford Diecast to carry out modifications to their standard ranges.